Custom Car, August 1974

Have you got a story about this image that I can put here? I'd love to hear it!

Copy and paste this BBCode in to web forum posts:
Custom Car Magazine, August 1974 cover
Alloy GT Wheel advert
Fibre Fab VW Beach Buggy advert
Lada 1200 Advert
Ranger Cub Kit Car Advert
Savage S500 wheel trims advert
GP Nova and Group Six kit car test - 1
GP Nova and Group Six kit car test - 2
GP Nova and Group Six kit car test - 3
Vauxhall Magnum GN Wasp advert
Custom Trucks - 1
Custom Trucks - 2
Universal Nova Kit Car Advert
Wood and Pickett - 1
Wood and Pickett - 2